Diamond Shapes for Engagement Rings

Diamond Shapes for Engagement Rings

If you want to choose a shape that looks good on your finger? Want something unique as well? This article contains information about the diamonds you .

Many a time it happens that we go to a store to buy a ring and choose one of the limited options . When this happens, you tend to miss out on other forms are not really common. A diamond in comparison to what is commonly believed , comes in different sizes . Detailed information on the forms we provide in the following sections. Check them out !

Types of diamond shapes :


This is the traditional diamond shape , shine and sparkle is amazing. Round diamonds - formed by almost everyone believed . If you want to use diamonds with other precious stones , the shape looks best. There are 58 diamonds - a faceted sparkle of the best.


Diamond oval - shaped somewhat elongated in the direction of the other two . If you are little finger with Diamond Oval - shaped to make them look longer. Appear larger also because of its shape , the diamond than round diamonds of the same shape .


A hybrid between the round , emerald and princess cuts , the shape is really unique. If you want something unusual for your participation , this is the best choice. A ring looks the best diamond cut finger big , not too thin, not too thick.


One of the first sections , that is a low-cost small form compared to the other . There are a number of minor features in comparison to other shapes. However, due to a flat surface , side pieces can be added to the ring . Just like cuts oval - shaped , which makes a finger appear longer .


Princess cut is nothing more than a square version of the round cut. Is the best choice if you solitaire engagement ring set . Also, because of its unique cut , the stones are arranged next to each other without gaps. Make this a popular choice for engagement bands.


This is similar to the shape of a boat hull . The marquise cut is one of the most demanding forms. It is very much appreciated by the people because of its simplicity and gentleness. Creates an optical illusion by which the diamond seems to be more than it actually is. You can taste the stone with smaller diamonds or other bright colorful gemstones .


The appearance of the octagonal or hexagonal Asscher heavier than the other . The shape , although vintage , has now changed with many changes . The most important aspect of diamond cut because of a chamfered corners . How emerald cuts , these stones sometimes come with bugs. People are attracted to it because it is a high clarity .


This is known as the feminine form of diamond drops and comes with three different forms , namely the marquise, round and oval mixed . The stone is 58 - great brilliance diverse striking that . Usually best for earrings, this form is your engagement ring unique look.


It can be termed the sweetest of all diamond rings . It is a timeless gift as a symbol of eternal love . Elbow extended at high precision cut , the perfect symmetry of the lobes. Heart diamond rings - a timeless shape and gorgeous look .


This is a unique diamond shape is triangular. There are 50 elements and the sides are treated fairly. It is one of the most advanced forms , which is always better for engagement rings. Trilliant stone is sponsored by the center and the popular Bezel Option website. The ring seemed extravagant when they decorated with miniature stones.


The cushion known as diamond pad section, if it has been provided. It is more or less similar to a diamond oval - shaped, though variations exist. Pillow forms have their popularity today as the rest of me cut old vintage lost. If you are eager to decorate this, still , then check for clarity before buying.

When choosing diamonds you need to check for clarity , shape, cut , depth and carat weight are the most important factors . , The quality of the diamond

Diamond Shapes for Engagement Rings

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