Best Place To Sell Diamond

Best Place To Sell Diamond

 It is often said that diamonds are the best friends a girl. Many desires , the purpose of the decision is to sell diamonds for several reasons: they have their owners some extra cash , gems can be difficult to use or they can form back unhappy memories. Whatever the reason , you want to make the sale , you must know that is not something you can improvise . Therefore , to include all criteria , weigh your options carefully and choose the type of sale and the best place to suit your needs.

Local jewelers and pawn shops

Local jewelry stores , which often act as well as pawn shops handiest solution and the first that comes to people's minds when they consider selling their gems. However, they are not profitable , because they have a low percentage ( typically less than half) the real value of the diamond. The good thing about the dealer, they come with a cooling off period of six or twelve months offer in which you hold to get your diamond back .


Participate in a jewelry or gems specialized auctions a good idea if you want diamonds for a higher amount of money than you would usually find a local jeweler to sell. However, there is no guarantee that the price depends on the people you get in a certain time in the auction room . In addition, there is no door , when you open change your mind. Once the deal is closed , the diamond is no longer for sale , and there is no way to take it back .

Online merchants and agents

Currently, the advanced technology and the democratization of online trading opens up new avenues for those who wish to consider the sale of diamonds and other types of gemstones ( rubies , sapphires ), gold or platinum jewelry and antique items . There are several websites that offer effective solutions , including the assessment of price and delivery services. When looking at the options to guarantee taking into account the reliability of the company as well as the time frame that you are in.

Once you have made your choice and money you choose for an online retailer that is the first thing you need to do , contact their customer relations department and let them know your details. They will come back in time for you and they are experts estimate the value of the diamond you are ready to sell. The criteria used in the evaluation the 4Cs usually : Carat ( weight of the diamond ), cut ( diamond shape and brilliance ) , clarity ( clarity of the diamond ) and color.

Continue your jewelery on the website will appear , and made ​​as a commercial offer, you will be re - engage . If you agree with the sale, you can send the jewel of FedEx and get your money . These are the main options if you are willing to share their gems to sell . If you are in such a situation , weigh the pros and cons of each method in the present and the decision that best suits you. You can also take into account criteria such as the time frame in which you need the money , the effort you want to invest in this project and the opportunity to change your mind after a short time , take .

Best Place To Sell Diamond

1 comment:

  1. If you are looking to sell your diamond jewelry or loose diamonds in Phoenix, stop by E.D. Marshall Jewelers for a free evaluation and appraisal. There is never any obligation to sell, and we promote getting second opinions on your items. pawn diamond ring
